Handback Engineer


Handback Engineer


The ideal candidate for this position will possess minimum of 5 years relevant experience on trackwork renewal in metro railway operations and shall hold a recognised qualification as a Handback Engineer.

Job Description:

  • Supervise, inspect and certify that the completed/renewed track is fit for purpose upon completion of work.
  • Attend the Operator’s toolbox meeting and confirm that the track is safe for commencement of train operation after each work shift in accordance with the operator’s procedures and standards.
  • Undertake duties as Track Handback Engineer wherever required or instructed by Company.
  • Conduct information briefing on work method to teams and ensure SWP is followed during the work
  • Confirming works is carried out to technical standards
  • Provide appropriate briefing material, to ensure and reinforce compliance with
    Company’s and client’s Standards, for promulgation to the workforce.
  • To aid or conduct accident, incident and near miss investigations and participate in investigation reviews and provide feedback to affected parties when called upon so.
  • Review and Sign-off of Toolbox talks relevant to your role.
  • Report regularly on the Project and company’s technical compliance and risk assessment activities under your control or supervision.
  • To enforce the wearing of all relevant PPE by all employees where mandated by the relevant safety system.
  • Attendance or organisation of attendance at relevant key customer Meetings and Reviews
  • Experience of practical railway engineering including standards, design, construction, maintenance and development
  • Proven technical, engineering experience and be conversant with all relevant rules, regulations, codes of practice and Company Standards
  • Working knowledge and understanding of competence requirements for technical engineering railway safety critical works and works under possession



  • Minimum 5 years experiences as Handback Engineer
  • Personal Track Safety Certificate or similar
  • Recognised Handback Engineer Certificate from UK or similar

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